Specializing in the Representation of
Non-Profit Entities

About The Firm

Schaner & Lubitz, PLLC provides a full range of legal services to foundations and other tax-exempt entities under Sections 501(c)(3), (4) and (6) of the Internal Revenue Code and for-profit commercial enterprises, particularly in the biotechnology and healthcare industries. We regularly advise disease foundations that work to find cures and therapies on venture philanthropy transactions.

Who We Represent

Our firm represents some of the most recognized and respected nonprofits and philanthropic organizations in the U.S.

Representative Clients

Venture Philanthropy

We have engaged in approximately 500 venture philanthropy transactions on behalf of our disease foundation clients. These include royalty-based investments, equity investments, convertible notes/Safes, and other structures.

Venture Philanthropy

Disease Foundations

The firm advises and negotiates a variety of complex contracts, including agreements involving multisite clinical trials, patient registries, and long-term research tool development projects, for our Disease Foundation clients. We also provide strategic advice to boards and serve as representation to affect march in rights for drugs, devices, and therapies.

Disease Foundations

Nonprofit Law

Schaner & Lubitz, PLLC provides a full range of legal services to foundations and other tax-exempt entities under Sections 501(c)(3), (4) and (6) of the Internal Revenue Code. We support tax-exempt organizations at all stages – advising on entity formation and structure, IRS regulatory compliance, and dispute resolution.

Nonprofit Law


The firm provides a wide range of services to non-profit and public benefit healthcare entities, physicians’ groups, and home health agencies. Schaner & Lubitz, PLLC has represented entities in mergers and complex regulatory and compliance due-diligence investigations related to transactions.

Healthcare Law

About The Firm

Schaner & Lubitz, PLLC provides a full range of legal services to foundations and other tax-exempt entities under Sections 501(c)(3), (4) and (6) of the Internal Revenue Code and for-profit commercial enterprises, particularly in the biotechnology and healthcare industries.

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